• Better Vue Application State Management with Vuex Modules

    If you use Vue you might be familiar with the state management library Vuex. It used to be the state management library recommended by Vue, until the team developed Pinia. But lots of applications still use Vuex, including the one I work on. This post contains some tips for handling state in a Vue app with Vuex. Some familiarity with building with Vue and Vuex will be assumed.

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  • Quick note

    Programming as a Craft

    Last week I had the pleasure of attending FF Conf in Brighton. I was partly inspired to go to the conference after watching a talk from last year’s event: Programming With Yarn by Lily Madar.

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  • Stop Using AI-Generated Images

    Recently I’ve been doing some front end development work for a lovely project that showcases original short stories submitted by writers and climate change activists. Most of the stories are accompanied by an illustration specially created by an artist. One story did not have an accompanying image, so the author suggested using an illustration produced by an AI image generator.

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  • CSS Nesting is Here

    In case you missed it, nesting is now supported natively in CSS in all major browsers! Nesting is a popular feature of preprocessors like Sass and has been, in my opinion, on of the main reasons to keep using preprocessors. But with nesting supported natively, it might soon be time to consider dropping a preprocessor altogether.

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  • NaN or Not a Number?

    Following yesterday’s post on handling null, undefined and zero values in JS, I was asked on Mastodon:

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  • Quick tip

    Handling Null, Undefined and Zero Values in JavaScript

    In JS, it’s easy to get caught out when determining if a variable is null, undefined, or has a value of zero. I do a lot of data visualisation, and quite often I’ll need to filter out null values from an array of data.

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  • (Don’t) Mind the Gap

    I don’t see people using the gap property for flexbox out in the wild all that often, but it’s pretty cool!

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  • Quick note

    Leaving Twitter Behind

    It’s been a year since Twitter (X) went down the pan, and I finally got around to removing the Twitter link from this site. I haven’t visited the platform in months, except periodically, guiltily checking that I haven’t missed an important DM. I never post there, and the occasional fleeting glimpse of my feed is enough to convince me I’m not missing much.

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  • Owning Your Web

    In case you missed it, Matthias Ott has a new newsletter. Own Your Web is a lovely, fortnightly newsletter about “about designing, building, creating, and publishing for and on the Web”, which captures a whole bunch of people in its remit: designers, developers, writers, content creators and more. I was pleasantly surprised to get a shoutout in the latest issue for my recent article for MDN on web sustainability!

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  • Code Gardening

    In my spare time I do a bit of voluntary development work for an activist network. What I like about this kind of work (aside from helping a good cause) is that I get to experience an entirely different codebase, architecture and working process than I do in my paid employment.

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  • Messing About with CSS Gradients

    I’m not a person who creates CSS “art” (as in drawings), but I do like messing about with CSS gradients and seeing what comes up. I think the first time I became aware that you could create some pretty cool effects with CSS gradients was Lea Verou’s CSS3 Patterns Gallery.

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  • Update on the COP28 Website

    Recently I wrote about the COP28 climate summit’s website, which featured a low-carbon toggle that did precisely nothing. The post captured the interest of a few people, and I was contacted by ABC News Australia, who published a story on it, inviting me and web sustainability consultant Fershad Irani to comment.

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