Handling Null, Undefined and Zero Values in JavaScript

Day 8 of National Blog Posting Month #NaBloPoMo

In JS, it’s easy to get caught out when determining if a variable is null, undefined, or has a value of zero. I do a lot of data visualisation, and quite often I’ll need to filter out null values from an array of data.

data.filter((value) => !!value)

The problem is, this is also going to filter out values of 0 too, because is tests whether the value is falsy. (Other falsy values include empty strings, and NaN.)

A better way might for this particular case might be to filter out non-numerical values instead:

data.filter((value) => typeof value === 'number')

Logical operators can be handy for providing default values. Using the || (or) operator, the message text will read “Unknown days since last post” if the daysSinceLastPost value doesn’t exist.

const message = `${daysSinceLastPost || 'Unknown'} days since last post`

The issue here is that if daysSinceLastPost is 0, the text will read “Unknown days since last post” too! Instead, we could use the ?? operator, otherwise known as the nullish coalescing operator.

const message = `${daysSinceLastPost ?? 'Unknown'} days since last post`

That way, daysSinceLastPost will be used, even if the value is 0, while our fallback will be used if it is null or undefined.

Put even more simply: In the following example, test1 will evaluate to 'Test 1', while test2 will evaluate to0. Nice!

const test1 = 0 || 'Test 1'
const test2 = 0 ?? 'Test 2'

console.log(test1) // 'Test 1'
console.log(test2) // 0

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