When juggling multiple branches in Git, it’s easy to accidentally start working on the wrong branch, before realising you need to switch to another. Or sometimes you might be working on a feature and you’re not ready to commit your changes yet, when someone asks you to fix an urgent bug and you need to jump onto another branch. This is where Git’s stash
command comes in useful.
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Debugging CSS Grid
In the second part of the Debugging CSS Grid series, we’ll take a look at fr (or fraction) units. Fr units are very useful for sizing grid tracks, and vastly simplify the process of building responsive layouts. But there are one or two unexpected behaviours you may run into if you don’t understand how they work. This article will aim to demystify these.
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Debugging CSS Grid
This post was edited on to better describe item placement in the example of overlapping grid items.
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I recently wrote about some of the cases where you might want to use Grid instead of flexbox, and vice-versa. One of the scenarios I pointed out might be a better case for using flexbox is when you want to control the behaviour of any leftover grid items that don’t fill an entire row.
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Have you ever pushed some code with a bad commit message and wished you could go back in time and edit it? Perhaps you got two different commits mixed up, or maybe your commit message was insufficiently descriptive. Either way, bad commit messages are no good to anyone – you never know when you might need to check out a commit, and hunting through past commits for an elusive chunk of code can be a nightmare. Your future self won’t thank you for it!
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Published on LogRocket
Read it on LogRocket
After several years of basically ignoring it, I decided recently that it was time for a refresh of my personal site. The previous iteration used a combination of Gulp and Bower, coupled with Susy, a Sass library for the grid system (version 2, rather than the latest version 3 release). The last time I did any work on it was around 2015 and, suffice to say, my tools were pretty out-of-date. This just wasn’t going to cut it in 2019.
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Are you keen to jump into CSS Grid Layout but having trouble convincing the rest of your team (whether your peers or your managers)? Someone asked me recently if I had any advice for convincing a skeptical team to adopt CSS Grid into their workflow. Although I haven’t faced any major barriers on this front myself, it’s a story I hear all too often. You’re ready to dive in and work with the latest modern layout techniques, only for the higher powers to put the brakes on.
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In this post I’m taking a brief diversion from my usual CSS topics to discuss how becoming a tech speaker has helped me develop my career and my confidence in myself as a developer, and if you’re on the fence about it, to encourage you to give it a try!
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A recent Twitter thread started by Chris Coyier got me thinking about how people in general interpret the use cases for CSS Grid Layout versus flexbox:
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If you follow this blog you’ll know I’m a big fan of CSS Grid, and without a doubt it’s given us developers more power than ever before when it comes to tackling layout on the web. But there are a few of my CSS layout needs that Grid hasn’t quite managed to fulfill just yet – here’s hoping some of these get implemented down the road!
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Last year at Mud we adopted a utility-first approach to CSS (also known as atomic CSS). Specifically we decided to use TailwindCSS, a utility class framework, which provides a bunch of classes you can apply to your projects to rapidly build a UI.
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