• Scheduling Netlify Deployments with Github Actions

    In this article we’ll walk through how to use Github Actions to automate regular deployment of a static site hosted on Netlify.

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  • A Quick Website Redesign

    In my 2023 review I mentioned that I wanted to give this site a revamp. This week I carved out some time to do just that. So, here it is: Welcome to the new and improved CSS { IRL }!

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  • Quick note

    A Useful VS Code Extension for Environment Switching

    Do you find yourself needing to switch between development environments frequently? That's often the case for me. I work on a web app for wind turbine operators, and I regularly need to test my front end code with different databases.

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  • Disentangling Frameworks

    The other day I came across a pretty much textbook use case for container queries in the web app I was working on. We have this card component that displays a health summary for the section of the app the user is currently inspecting (which could be a wind turbine, a system within that turbine, or the entire wind farm). Generally we want to show that towards the top left of the screen, with some other information on the right. On certain pages however, the information on the right will be absent, so we want the health summary component to go full width. Easy enough, but we also want to style the component differently when it takes up the entire width by aligning the text to the left and giving it a more horizontal layout.

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  • 2022 in Review

    As is tradition, it’s time to do a little round-up of the past year!

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  • Correcting With Kindness

    Quite a lot of us tech writers don’t get everything 100% right all of the time. Sometimes a small typo might elude us, sometimes we make the odd factual error despite our best efforts and research. Sometimes we phrase something clumsily, giving the wrong impression, omit some piece of information (intentionally or unintentionally), or perhaps misinterpret something we’ve read elsewhere. I’m as guilty as anyone. Especially on this blog, where I don’t always have time to proofread as thoroughly as I should. I worry a lot about being “correct”, particularly as my readership has increased over the past few years, and always endeavour to ensure my articles are as accurate as possible. It’s part of the reason why writing for others takes me so much longer than writing for myself. I always want to make sure the information I’m providing is 100% reliable. Even then, inevitably the odd mistake can slip through.

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  • Logical Border Radius

    Confession: I almost never write border-radius as shorthand, largely because I can never remember the order. My brain is wired to remember margin and padding shorthands (top, right, bottom, left), but when it comes to corners it’s a different story. Do I start from the top left corner, or the top right? So I usually resort to the longhand, which is admittedly verbose, but at least has the advantage of being explicit, for me and any future readers of my code. For the record, these are equivalent:

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  • Published on Smashing Magazine

    Optimizing a Vue App

    Prioritizing performance when building our web apps improves the user experience and helps ensure they can be used by as many people as possible. In this article we’ll walk through some of the front-end optimization tips to keep our Vue apps as efficient as possible.

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  • Find Me On Mastodon

    Like many watching from the sidelines of Twitter’s rapid implosion, I’ve finally migrated to Mastodon. You can find me at @michelle@front-end.social.

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  • Web Sustainability Resources

    While there’s plenty to occupy the web community this week in the form of Twitter imploding, something far more important is also going on right now: the COP27 climate summit, taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh, where world leaders gather to hammer out agreements to (hopefully) limit catastrophic climate change.

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  • Handy Tools For Mocking API Requests

    In the course of my work I sometimes find myself needing to mock API requests — often when I’m prototyping, or testing a concept for an article. There are a couple of useful (free) tools I reach for on these occasions.

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  • Published on Smashing Magazine

    Sustainable Web Development Strategies Within an Organization

    Climate change and sustainability are increasing concerns for digital organizations, as well as individuals working in tech. In this article for Smashing Magzine, we explore some of the ways we can raise awareness and effect change within an organization to create a more positive environmental impact.

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