• CSS-only Slide-up Caption Hover Effect

    Have you ever needed to build a UI where a caption needs to slide over an image on hover, revealing more content?

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  • All the CSS Colours

    I recently made a demo where I needed to list all the CSS named colours as options in a select input. I didn’t want to write them all out by hand, but the trouble was I couldn’t find just a list of all 148 colours anywhere as plain text.

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  • Exciting Things on the Horizon For CSS Layout

    This past week has brought a few announcements from browser vendors of some exciting things that might have a big impact on CSS layout in the very near future.

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  • Video: 90 Seconds on CSS Custom Properties

    Last year I spoke at Future Sync conference, and this year the organisers asked me if I could provide a short recorded introduction to a CSS topic. I put together a 90-second video on CSS custom properties, one of my favourite (relatively) recent CSS features, and thought I’d share it with you here.

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  • Tips for Writing for the Web

    Writing for the web is a skill, like any other, that can only be perfected through practice. I’ve been writing on this blog for two years now, and creating content for other sites before that, and I like to think I’m pretty okay at it – though there are always ways to improve! In this article I’ll share a few tidbits of wisdom that I’ve acquired over the years, which might help you if you’re starting to blog, or even making the switch from writing for print.

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  • Different Approaches to Responsive CSS Motion Path

    When it comes to using CSS Motion Path, it always bugs me that the path itself is doesn’t scale. The path size, as created, is essentially a fixed size, in pixels. It means that responsive design with Motion Path is a little tricky, and requires some workarounds.

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  • Building an Interactive Timetable

    This week the UK joined many other parts of the world in imposing a lockdown to battle the coronavirus (AKA Covid-19), and so we find ourselves in a pretty weird situation, to say the least. I hope you’re all keeping safe and taking care of yourselves and your loved ones out there. My heart goes out to those who have been personally affected, and to the incredible NHS workers on the frontline, who are fighting daily battles and risking their own health to keep us safe.

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  • Positioning Text Along a Path with CSS

    I’ve been playing around with CSS Motion Path a lot over the past couple of months, and having a lot of fun creating demos, some of which you can find in this Codepen collection. But the “Motion Path” name is a little misleading, as it doesn’t only relate to movement. In fact, although the specification still goes by the name “Motion Path”, the property used to define the path was changed from motion-path to offset-path. It’s easy to see why: an element can be placed anywhere along the path, with or without motion – its position (or offset-distance value) doesn’t have to be animated.

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  • In Search of Simplicity

    During the past month or so at Atomic Smash I’ve been working on building our new front end framework (recently christened ‘Snap’) – a repository that includes all the scripts, packages and starter files to enable anyone in the development team to get started on a new project quickly and painlessly. Uppermost in my mind is the elusive goal of simplicity, in a front end development landscape that is anything but.

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  • Do We Need CSS4?

    Jen Simmons raised an interesting proposal for the CSS Working Group this week:

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  • Quick and Easy Dark Mode with CSS Custom Properties

    Adding “dark mode” support to a website or app is becoming increasingly popular among developers, many of whom favour this setting themselves. Giving users a dark theme option can be beneficial for accessibility, as some people experience headaches or visual difficulties from excessively bright screens, or have trouble reading for long periods on a light background.

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  • Optimising SVGs for the Web

    Optimising SVGs (scalable vector graphics) for web projects has the dual benefits of reducing the file size and making them easier to work with. But plenty of times I’ve opened up a web project and found that SVG assets could be made significantly smaller with some straightforward optimisations. In this article I’ll share my process for optimising SVG assets, which may help you if you’re a designer or developer unfamiliar with working with SVG on the web.

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