This week I climbed a mountain. There are some things that make me care not one tiny bit about web development, and being on top of a mountain is one of them. The web helped me with this adventure, though.
I planned the trip on the web.
I researched the hiking route on the web.
I booked the hotel on the web.
I bought equipment on the web.
I navigated the journey on the web (well, Google Maps).
At the top of the mountain, none of it mattered. All that mattered was the moment. On top of the mountain, the people below were nothing more than specks. It’s a cliché, but all the silly little things I normally worry about felt inconsequential. Now, every time I think back to that trip I get a welcome sense of perspective.
What matters is not the websites we build, but what they enable people to do. Let’s make better websites, so more people can climb mountains.