I recently had the pleasure of speaking at State of the Browser, a community-run web conference in London. I gave my first technical talk on a large stage, speaking about CSS Grid and CSS Variables – some of which I’ve covered in my blog posts over the past few months. My slides can be found here.
The event featured some fantastic talks – some of my favourites included Ruth John’s audio-visual exploration of web-workers and Chris Mills showcasing Firefox’s latest developer tools. Indeed, Firefox got a lot of love from several speakers throughout the day (myself included – it’s Grid inspector makes working with CSS Grid even better!), and it might just become the developer’s primary browser of choice in the not-too-distant future.
I learnt something new with every talk, which you can’t always say about a conference! But the highlights for me were the two final talks of the day by Jeremy Keith (The Web Is Agreement) and Charlie Owen (Dear Developer). In light of the recent arguments going on online about the state of CSS and Javascript, these two talks felt exceptionally timely, and a reminder that the web’s purpose transcends all of us.
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