A Modern Front End Workflow A Modern Front End Workflow: Part 1: Building a Project Starter with NPM Scripts

When it comes to building a simple front-end project, how do you get started? What are the tools you need? I suspect everyone will have a different answer. Do you start with a (JS or CSS) framework, or off-the-shelf boilerplate? Perhaps you use a task runner (like Gulp to orchestrate your project’s needs. Or do you start simple, with just HTML and a CSS file?
The front-end tooling landscape can be confusing, and at times overwhelming – and when you’re dedicating your time to learning HTML, CSS and Javascript, it feels like yet another thing you need to make time to learn. In this series of articles I want to help developers understand some of the tools and methodologies that have become commonplace for building web projects. Over the next three articles we’ll build a simple project starter (or boilerplate) together. We’ll cover:
- An introduction to using NPM scripts (this article) for compiling Sass, running a server and live reloading.
- Getting up and running with Parcel, a minimal-config application bundler.
- Building out a reusable Sass architecture
Feel free to skip over the parts you’re already familiar with.
Why do we need a project starter repository?
I’ve written previously on this blog about keeping things simple and building dependency-free — and for a basic, minimal site, this approach has a lot to recommend it. But the vast majority of my projects would benefit from a bit more tooling. In any given project, it’s likely that at the very least I’ll want to:
- Run a local server
- Compile SCSS to CSS, and minify the output
- Live reload (show changes in the browser without the need for manual refresh)
- Optimise images
- Create SVG icon sprites
In larger projects, there are plenty more tooling options we could add into the mix to help us build performant, accessible websites. We might want module bundling, code splitting and transpiling. On the CSS side, perhaps we’d like to inline our critical CSS, or purge unused selectors.
If you don’t know what some of these words mean, you’re not alone! Front-end development has got a lot more complex in recent years, and it can be hard to keep abreast of the constant changes to best practices. One article that has really helped me understand the vast tooling landscape that these days falls into the realm of front-end development is Modern Javascript Explained For Dinosaurs. Although a couple of years old, this article is still extremely relevant, and explains succinctly how Javascript has evolved to become such a vital part of our workflow.
All this takes time to set up and configure, and to do it from scratch every time we start a new project wouldn’t be ideal. Which is why it’s useful to have a starter repository that we can clone or download, with everything we need to start coding straight away.
Choosing our tools
I’m not a person who loves spending time setting up complex tooling. I want my tools to demand as little time from me as possible, so that I can concentrate on the things I love doing! Whilst I’ve used Gulp in the past, it now seems a less necessary part of the toolchain: virtually all dependencies can be installed via NPM and configuring them with NPM scripts is no more difficult than configuring them with Gulp. So using a task runner seems a bit redundant, and would only add an extra dependency to the project.
The tools I’ve chosen here are a personal preference, and suit the kind of projects I like to build. They’re not necessarily everyone’s choice, and there are plenty of different ways to do things. But I hope this tutorial will help you get a bit more familiar with some of the tools that have become popular among developers, so that you can make your own choices.
With that in mind, let’s begin building our project starter, and learn about the tools we’ll be using along the way. Feel free to skip over any parts you’re already familiar with.
Installing Node.js
The very first thing we need to do to get our project set up to work with NPM scripts is to make sure we have Node.js installed globally. This sounds simple enough, but already things start to get a little more complicated when we realise there are a number of different ways to do this:
- Download the latest version from the website and follow the instructions for installation
- Use a package manager like Homebrew for Mac, which allows us to update our node version with a simple command:
brew upgrade node
. - Using NVM (Node Version Manager).
NVM is my preferred option, as it allows us to easily upgrade our node version, see which version we’re currently running, list other installed versions or switch to another version using single commands. But it requires additional steps to install depending on your setup, which is beyond the scope of this particular article.
Once you have Node installed (by whichever method suits you), you can check the currently installed version by running node -v
. (You might want to upgrade to the latest version.) If you’re using NVM you could (optionally) create a .nvmrc config file to ensure you always run the correct Node version for your project.
Installing Node also installs NPM (Node Package Manager). This is basically a huge library of open source Javascript development tools (or packages) that anyone can publish to. We have direct access to this library of tools and (for better or worse!) can install any of them in our projects.
NPM or Yarn?
Yarn is an alternative package manager, similar to NPM, and almost as popular. In fact, many people consider it an improvement. It can be used in a similar way, to install dependencies. If you prefer to use Yarn over NPM, you can safely substitute NPM commands with the Yarn equivalent anywhere they’re used in this article.
Initialising the project
First, let’s create a new project folder, which we’ll (imaginitively) call new-project. Open the terminal, and inside that folder run:
npm init
Running this command brings up several steps for initialising our project in the command line, such as adding a name and description. You can hit Enter to skip through each of these if you don’t want to complete them right away – we’ll be able to edit them later on. You’ll then see that a package.json file has been created, which should look something like this:
"name": "project-starter",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"
This file contains all the information about our project, and is where we can edit the details that we just skipped through.
Any packages that we install from NPM will be automatically listed in the package.json file. It’s also where we’ll configure the scripts that will build and run our project. We’ll install some packages and configure these shortly, but first we’ll need a basic project architecture, and some files to work with.
Project structure
We’ll start with a folder structure that looks like this:
We’ve already generated the node_modules
directory and package.json in the root of the project. We just need to create a directory called src, containing directories for images, JS, SCSS and icons, plus an index.html file.
Creating our folder structure from the command line
You could create the above folder structure manually, either in your text editor of choice or in your computer’s file system. But if you want to save time, you could do it from the terminal instead. In the root of the project, you could run:
touch index.html
mkdir src && cd src
mkdir js scss images icons
cd ../
Line by line, this code:
- Creates a new index.html file
- Creates a new src directory and moves us into the newly-created directory
- Creates directories inside src called js, scss, images and icons, and a file called index.html.
- Brings us back up to the project root.
Now let’s add the following to our index.html file so that we can see our site in the browser:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
<title>Project starter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dist/css/styles.css" />
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
Installing dependencies
Now that we have our basic folder structure, we can start to install some packages and write some NPM scripts that will let us build and view our website. The scripts we’re going to write will:
- Run a local server
- Compile Sass to CSS
- Watch for changes and reload the page whenever we update our HTML or CSS
Let’s install the node-sass package from NPM, which compiles .scss files to CSS. In the terminal run:
npm install node-sass --save-dev
Once this command has finished running, you should see a couple of new things:
- A directory called
has been created - In the package.json file,
is now listed in “devDependencies”. - Adds a package-lock.json file. This isn’t something we should ever need to touch.
Adding a .gitignore
The node_modules
directory is where the code for all of our project dependencies will live. The contents of this folder should not be committed to Github (or your favourite repository host), as installing just a few dependencies could result in hundreds of thousands of files! So the next thing we should do is add a .gitignore file in the project root:
touch .gitignore && echo "node_modules" >> .gitignore
This command creates the .gitignore file and adds node_modules
to it. (Again, you can do this manually if you prefer.) Now we are safe in the knowledge that our packages will not be committed.
If we’re not committing these files, then how can we share our dependencies with other users? Well, this down to the package.json file. It tells us the name and version number of any dependencies we have installed. Anyone who clones or forks the project (including us, when we use it to start a new project) can simply run npm install
and all the associated dependencies will be fetched and downloaded from NPM.
Types of dependencies
When we installed node-sass we ran the install
command with the --save-dev
flag. This installs the project as a “dev dependency”. Other packages may not require this command, and save a package under “dependencies” instead. The difference is that regular dependencies are runtime dependencies, whereas dev dependencies are buildtime dependencies. node-sass is required to build your project, so it’s a dev dependency. But something like, say, a carousel plugin, or framework that needs to be downloaded on the client side, (like React) would need to be a regular dependency.
Now we’ll also install Browsersync as a dev dependency. Browsersync will run a local server and reload the browser when our files change.
npm install browser-sync --save-dev
Writing NPM scripts
Now it’s time to write some scripts to run our project. We’re going to write these in the “scripts” section of our package.json.
Sass to CSS
NPM scripts consist of a key (the name of the script, which is what we would type in the terminal in order to run it) and a value – the script itself, which will be executed when we run the command. First we’ll write the script which compiles Sass to CSS. We’ll give it the name scss (we could name it anything we like) and add it to our “scripts” section:
"scripts": {
"scss": "node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss",
The node-sass package contains some options, some of which we’re defining here. We’re specifying the output style (“compressed”), the output directory (dist/css) and the source directory (src/scss), which is currently empty. Let’s create a source .scss file from the terminal:
touch src/scss/styles.scss
Add a few styles to the newly-created file, then go back to the terminal and run:
npm run scss
You should then see a new directory called dist has been created, containing your compiled CSS. Now, every time you make changes to your styles.scss file, you can run the script and those changes will be compiled.
Live reloading
Our first script is working great, but it’s not very useful yet, as every time we make changes to our code we need to got back to the terminal and run the script again. What we would be much better it to run a local server and see our changes reflected instantaneously in the browser. In order to do that we’ll write a script that uses Browsersync, which we’ve already installed.
First, let’s write the script that runs the server, which we’ll call serve:
"scripts": {
"scss": "node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss",
"serve": "browser-sync start --server --files 'dist/css/*.css, **/*.html'"
In the --files
option we’re listing the files that Browsersync should monitor. It will reload the page when any of these change. If we run this script now (npm run serve
), it will start a local server and we can preview our web page by going to http://localhost:3000 in the browser.
Watching for changes
Currently we still need to run our scss script when we want to compile our Sass. What we need our scripts to do is:
- Watch our src/scss directory for changes.
- When a change occurs, compile this to CSS in dist/css.
- When dist/css is updated, reload the page.
First we need to install an NPM package called onchange, to watch for changes to the source files:
npm install onchange --save-dev
We can write NPM scripts that run other scripts. Let’s add the script that watches for changes and triggers our scss command to run:
"scripts": {
"scss": "node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss",
"serve": "browser-sync start --server --files 'dist/css/*.css, **/*.html'",
"watch:css": "onchange 'src/scss' -- npm run scss",
The watch:css script watches for changes using the onchange package (src/scss) and runs our scss script when changes occur.
Combining scripts
Now we need to run two commands in parallel: The serve command to run our server, and the watch:css command to compile our Sass to CSS, which will trigger the page reload. Using NPM scripts we can easily run commands consecutively using the && operator:
"scripts": {
"start": "npm run serve && npm run scss"
However, this won’t achieve what we want, as the script will wait until after the serve script has finished running before it begins running the scss script. If we go ahead and write this script, then run it in the terminal (npm start
), then npm run scss
won’t be triggered until we’ve stopped the server.
To enable us to run commands in parallel, we need to install another package. NPM has several options to choose from. The one I’ve picked is npm-run-all:
npm install npm-run-all --save-dev
The main options in this package (or at least, the ones we care about) are run-s and run-p. The former is for running sequentially, the latter is for running commands in parallel. Once we have installed this package, we can use it to write the script that runs both our serve and watch:css commands in parallel. (We’ll call it start.)
"scripts": {
"scss": "node-sass --output-style compressed -o dist/css src/scss",
"serve": "browser-sync start --server --files 'dist/css/*.css, **/*.html'",
"watch:css": "onchange 'src/scss' -- npm run scss",
"start": "run-p serve watch:css"
We now have a very basic starter project. We’ve written some scripts that allow us to simply type the command npm start
to run a server, watch for changes, compile Sass to CSS and reload the page. An example repository can be found here.
We could now go ahead and install some packages and write scripts to automate some of our other tasks, such as optimising images, creating SVG sprites and uglifying JS. This CSS Tricks article has a great rundown of a few more scripts you might like to add, as well as a starter repository. (Be aware, one or two of the packages included in the example have since been deprecated. You may need to search NPM for substitutes.)
This may serve us perfectly well for small projects, but the more tasks we want to run, the more scripts we’ll need to write, and orchestrating them all becomes more complex. So, in the next article we’ll look at how Parcel, an application bundler, can automate a lot of these tasks for us with minimal configuration, and provide the tooling we need in order to build larger projects.
See the next articles in this series
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